Friday, August 5, 2011

Confidence issues and feeling sad, any advice? or morale boost :(?

Hello! I used to suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder and used to suffer from severe body image issues. It was so bad that I wouldn't go out, lost my job and friends. I remember when I used to be clingy, I would do it because I wouldn't be secure with myself so I would need someone to walk with me everywhere so I could draw strength from them.You feel like a black sheep because you don't accept yourself. Also you need to realize that even though you were bullied and stuff... EVERYONE GOES THROUGH IT! :) Just get back up and dust yourself off. And about you feeling bad when you see your ex-friends, the reason you are feeling bad is because you are comparing yourself to them and making your self-esteem smaller, stop doing that. In a way you are self-destructing. Well going to the club doesn't make you cool or exciting. That's what they prefer. To me personally people that go to the club are egotistical ppl looking for attention to make them feel better, and to get some booty haha From reading your paragraph it sounds like you need to accept yourself for who you are. If you like chess and stuff keep doing what you love. Stop labeling yourself as nerdy. You are who you are. GOD made all of us different and he made you the way you are because he thought that was cool. I personally like people who do down to earth things. What you need to do is everytime you think something negative about yourself switch it to something positive. Start saying you are a beautiful person and little by little you will start seeing yourself in a positive light! GOOD LUCK ;)

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