Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Antiques Roadshow canceling tickets sold online: That STINKS?

Roadshow tickets are free, and distributed by pairs through their own "lottery." If you are chosen, you get ONE PAIR of tickets. Some people sell them and I'm sure there are some greedy scalpers out there. But some people find out they can't attend, so make a few bucks. People are willing to BUY them--so WHAT? Once a party is awarded the tickets, aren't they an asset he can sell? It's not illegal to buy them. The point is, now Antique's Roadshow is monitoring Ebay, and if they find someone sells their tickets, they are cancelling ticket numbers. So a perfectly innocent person or pair of persons may drive hundreds of miles to the Roadshow, only to find the tickets are no good because they were "purchased" online. THERE AREN'T THAT MANY BEING SOLD ONLINE!!!!! I think it's just a part of show business that all these antique experts putting on the show need to accept--don't you? Online private owner ticket sales go on for many shows, events, (like sports events.) I think it's NASTY of antiques roadshow. Ticket sales by private parties are just part of the show biz turf. They should be more worried about cob webs, spiders, and lice in some of the crap people haul to the show.

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